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Founder Friday: Bernard Cohen and Joseph Ricciardi, Chip-Down

What was intended to be a simple beach day ultimately inspired Bernard Cohen to take the entrepreneurial plunge and start Chip-Down with his co-founder, Joseph Ricciardi. They were the $10,000 winners of The Henry A. Panasci Jr. Competition out of the University at Buffalo in 2017, and now they have their sights on expanding distribution to some of the biggest names in retail.


Founder Friday: Irfan Khan, Circuit Clinical

Circuit Clinical maintains a list of current studies and the types of patients needed, shares that information with physicians, helps identify potential participants, and manages the data collected as a result of the study. This ensures that patients are comfortable participating in the first place (because of their doctor’s direct involvement), and that they’re safe throughout and after the trial.


Founder Friday: Rachel Jackson, Rachel’s Remedies

Today, Rachel’s Remedies has a partnership with one of the largest industry brands, Dr. Brown’s, and recently announced that their products will be sold in Target stores. They’re also part of the Z80 Labs portfolio of companies, were the 2017 Bright Buffalo Niagara Grand Prize Winner, and were a Finalist at the 2017 43North Finals.


Founder Friday: Phylicia Dove, Black Monarchy

Black Monarchy’s founder, Phylicia Dove, is fulfilling her lifelong dream of owning a business, while also giving back to the local refugee and immigrant community. Learn more about her in today’s Founder Friday!


Founder Friday: Del Reid, 26 Shirts

“Doing well by doing good.” It’s a phrase at the core of many non-profit organizations and those dedicated to giving back to their community. Living in a place like Buffalo, we’re lucky to have a lot of these people among us – like Del Reid, founder of 26 Shirts.